Peach Cobbler

2 cans sliced peaches (light syrup is fine)
1 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cups flour
2 sticks butter
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 tablespoons cornstarch
Line the bottom of the dutch oven with foil as this
will make a good mess. Drain the peaches, saving the
juice. Place peaches in the oven. Stir together one cup
of the peach juice, the spices, and 2 tablespoons corn
starch. Pour juice and spices over the peaches. Drink
any juice that is left.
Mix the flour, sugar and butter in a separate bowl.
This is done with a fork or table knife or pastry cutter. In
mixing these ingredients, you will not get a paste or
dough. Rather, you will get a crumbly mixture which is
what you want. Do not mix to much. When the topping
is mixed to crumb size, pour this over the peaches and
put the lid on the oven. With coals only on top of the
oven, cook at a moderate temperature (350* F) until the
top is brown and crusty.