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Worth Ranch Summer Camp
June 19-25, 2022

Scout/Parent Information
Full Summer Camp Guide
Gear List
Medical Forms
Family Night
Due to COVID restrictions,
there is NO
family night this year
Merit Badges
Info here

Sunday, June 19

Meet at the church at 11:00 AM sharp.


We will find out what campsite we have when we arrive at camp. We will have a tour of the camp, and the boys will go to the pool for the swim test. Adults who want to swim (as opposed to sitting in the shallow end to cool off), or participate in the Mile Swim, will need to take the swim test too. After dinner and flag-lowering, there is an opening campfire.



Merit badge classes start first thing Monday morning. There will be training courses available for adults as well, throughout the week. The Monday program includes Frontier Night, games, a cobbler cook-off, the Scoutmaster Shoot, and the start of the new Gateway Contest. Frontier Night includes the opportunity to get things branded with the Worth Ranch brand.



The Tuesday evening program includes a geocaching challenge, additional games, and the Third-year Canoe Trip. Weather permitting, this is usually the night we do our Kyle Mountain overnight. We will go up just after dark, hear the story of Hugo's Monster at Hugo's Crack, and spend the night under the stars on top of Kyle. A tarp with a light sleeping bag or an old blanket works great for this.



We will see sunrise from Kyle Mountain and head down to breakfast. After breakfast is camp-wide chapel. Throughout the day, the boys will be washing their Class A shirts for the traditional Troop 50 Clean Shirt Contest. Wednesday evening is the Scoutmasters versus Staff softball game. It is also Troop 50 Ice Cream Night, when we will gather at the Pavilion for pints of Bluebell.



Unfortunately, there is NO Family Night this year. The evening still includes Order of the Arrow call-outs and a campfire program. 



Friday is the last day of classes. That evening, we have the closing campfire and awards ceremony. We generally have a Troop campfire back at our campsite afterwards and, if there is interest, we will have another branding opportunity with the Troop brand.



Saturday morning, we will pack up and head home. Staff will bring us breakfast at our campsite, the only time we will have a meal there. We must be out of camp by 10, so we need to keep moving.

Back at Arborlawn around 11:30 AM.



Throughout the week, there will be service work and other activities toward the Wrangler and Captain Kidd awards. Wrangler is a Troop-wide award that requires (among other things) that each Troop member do at least 2 hours of service work during the week. Captain Kidd is an individual award with several ranks. Each rank requires an additional 6 hours of conservation work beyond what you do for Wrangler.  The boys get excited about both of these, and they are good for the adults too. 


The boys have plenty of opportunity to work on rank advancement during Summer Camp. This is the perfect time do that because the older scouts and adults are available. We usually have several Boards of Review during the week.

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